Your Name Here
Posted on Mar 1, 2016 in Blog, I'm Just Sayin' | Tags: blog, i'm just sayin, job, your name here
“Then the Lord said to Satan,
‘Have you considered my servant Job?’”
Job 1:8
Has your life ever been so full of ups, downs and misadventure that you’ve thought to yourself, “Surely the Lord has put my name in for a bid?” Kind of like Job when the Lord literally set him up.
Poor Job had to endure one thing after another. Have you ever had a season like that? Well I have. In fact, I’m smack dab in the middle of it right now. It actually started about a year ago, so for some strange reason, I thought that when the clock struck twelve on January 1, and the year 2016 began that all of the craziness of last year would magically end. That the season of crazy unbearable difficulty would suddenly end. Well, no such luck!
Since crazy is still happening in my life, the Lord reminded me of what gospel singer Israel Houghton said on one of his earliest CDs, “Seasons are not governed by clocks and calendars, but by revelation and truth.”
Hmm. You mean to tell me that just because the year has ended, that doesn’t mean my trouble will too? Who wrote these rules anyway?
Today, as I was reflecting on the last couple of days, the thought came to me that maybe God has put a bid in for my testing. Maybe, just like he did with Job, he said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Marlena?”
In your case He’d say, “Have you considered my servant [your name here]?”
I think God has more confidence in me than I do.
So if you are going through a rough patch, like me, just remind yourself of the promise of James 1:3,
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,
whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its work
so that you may be mature and complete,
because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its work
so that you may be mature and complete,
not lacking anything.”
Well when this is all over, I will be mature and complete, and I’ll have the battle scars to prove it!

(Contributing Writer: Marlena Patterson)